Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Thank you Anna for the award!

10 new facts about me:
1. Right now my favourite emotion is ;  O U O
2. I play the keyboard
3. I'm a D.S gamer. ;D
4.This blog is like 3-4 years old now? :L
5. I'm a very fast typer. (I think I'm fastest out of whole school.)
6. I can type without looking at the keyboard.
7. I have a habit of not throwing away precious things. (That my mum calls junk. o 3 o)
8. Despite me liking anime songs, most of my friends prefer Kpop.
9.I'm in the netball team for interschool sports.
10. I'm considered fast and sporty? LOL

Okies~! I nominate these people for this award: Rosie and Navy (Navroop)! (I don't follow much people, so please reccomend people if you know any good blogs. o 3 o)


  1. I was just wondering what is a Kreativ blog award and who started it?

  2. Well I have no idea who started it. :L Well it's a award for being creative?


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