Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Okay, so right now I'm being really lazy, and I STILLL haven't finished Anna's and Toto's drawing! 1 done, 1 more to go! Hopefully I come up with something really nice for Anna today! XD (Oh Wynter, sorry you got a drawing only up to the legs since you came second. ;P I actually wanted to try something Lolita-ish for you, BUT I FAILED IT. So I decided to draw something else. LOL)

I DID THE CODING FOR ROSIE~  Hope you like it! :)

Okay, I'm just wondering some stuff. So you don't needa read this spam.

I've had enough of people saying 'Oh your lucky, your smart' I mean seriously? Seriously? How are we lucky? We aren't in a game, were our intelligence depends on chance. We studied hard to get to how smart we are now. It's not like we suddenly 'POOF' we understand everything. I had to start Tudor year 1/2 and remembered my times table in grade 1/2 while some people in year 5/6 still don't know it. So really in real life, its not about how lucky you are. Sorry. I just get pissed when people say that.
Next, I HATE IT WHEN 3 TEACHERS TELL US DIFFERENT THINGS! Like our school, has a 5/6 learning centre yeah? So we have this thing called jog and walk and for every lap we colour 1 circle on the sheet. First we are told 3 laps equals to 1. WHAT. Then someone says that the teacher said it's 2 that equals 1. THEN someone ELSE says that its 1 thats 1? LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON! =.= Everyone way so confused, we had to take half on hour for the teachers to figure it out and explain and we redid everything. Jeez.

Yepp! That's all! Sorry for spamming here. LOL

Once I'm done I'll put it up the drawings on this post~

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