Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hii hii~

Today I went on an excursion. My legs really hurt now from walking too much. >  < Oh well, it was fun though.

My mum bought some new plain blue slippers for me because I needed one, and I thought it looked verryyyy boring so I decorated it a bit! I got some string-ish stuff and I tied it into a ribbon. I then hand sewed it onto it and now it looks much more cuter than before! If you noticed, there's 2 random lines of grey on my slipper, that was actually a tag, but I cut it off. It was uncomfortable. o 3 o (You can't see it well though.)

I was very bored so I painted my nails! (I do it like,once a year so I suck. LOL) I made it watermelon themed as you can see. ------>
My mum doesn't have a wide range of colours other than a whole bunch or red, so I mixed white and a -not so sparkly- red with it. And I got this light pinkish colour! I got green and painted it on the edge of the nails. If you want to know how I did that dots, I got a tooth pick, cut it, and used those stuff to shape your nails, and made it smooth. I dipped it in black and printed it on! Ta-da! And my watermelon is done!

Well, I guess that's all! Bye for now!


  1. I wish I had little bunny slippers, or little bear ones. So Kawaii!

  2. I actually used to have this really cute pink piggy one. (Unfortunately it's gone now) Me and my brother were always arguing either it was a bunny or pig, I said it was a pig because it's nose was like one, and it had short ears, not long ones! I don't understand how it could ever look like a bunny! > <

  3. Aww your blue slipper plus the ribbons look soooooo cute! xDD ♥

  4. I LOVE YOUR NAILS~~!!! ^O^

    Also, I now have 125 followers on ~~ ! And you are one of them, Hamta..♥ Thank you~!!

    There is so much NEW things on my blog,, and if you would check it out I'd be uberhappy ^w^

  5. Thanks Wynter! I do check it out from time to time! > u < It's just for some reason blogger doesn't show any new posts from yours or Annas blog on my dashboard, so its a bit annoying since I can't check for new posts!

  6. LOL I used to have piggy ones too! Except they got too small...they had dangly arms legs out of string. ;)


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