Saturday, May 7, 2011

20 facts about me! (Originally I wanted to do 100, but that's way too much. LOL)

1. I don't have a middle name
2. I have been going to chinese school for 9 years. (Since I was 3)
3. I know a little bit of Japanese and their meanings from watching anime!
4. I've watched anime since I was 4 and never even knew it was anime until I was in year 2.
5. I've had this blog for like, 3 or 4 years now?
6. I like Japanese songs more than Kpop. (Korean pop)
7. Most of the songs I listen to are from anime
8. I am currently reading 9 different mangas and is waiting for the next release.
9. I have finished an unknown number of mangas and animes.
10. I have been drawing manga style for 1 year now. (2 including this year)
11. I am extremely bored right now.
12. I love reading.
13. I wear glasses when my eyes get tired from reading too much.
14. During holidays I sleep later than midnight.
15. I live in a place with a lot of asian shops. (I'm asian toooo!)
16. I use Tumblr a lot more than Blogger.
17.  I am nearly friends with everyone.
18. 1 boy has confessed to me. (He was like number 1 enemy, so rejected straight away)
19. My chinese name means 'Yellow ringing bell sound'
20. My aunties,uncles and cousins call me 'Ling ling' in chinese, which is basically just a ringing bell sound. (LOL)
(Note: This was a request from someone on a different website.)


  1. Have you had this blog for 3 or 4 years now? Woah! I only had my 1st blogoversary this year! lol.

  2. Yeah, I made this around when Wynters blog first started. (Though my very first one was called Hamta's blog! X3)

  3. Hamtarofan01, just not logged on! o 3 oMay 9, 2011 at 4:08 PM

    Yeah! It's fine. I don't mind people copying my ideas, unless I really like it. ^^

  4. Thank you, Christine! I'm gonna do FIFTEH! Ooooooooh!

    So, yeah, bye, thanks...


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