Thursday, March 10, 2011

Updates and news!

I've spent a bit of time to update the blog and I just wanna note a few things!

Individual pages:
As you can see, at the top I have put up pages. One is the home page (yes yes) and one is about me. I've put them up and back down a lot of times but I hope this one stays for good.

If you noticed some of my old (not ancient!) posts have been saying EDIT: and writing next to it. Those are as it says, edits, where they really are edits, or just updated news where it's not too important for a new post. (I don't want to flood your dashboards with posts)

The info?:
I'm not sure but if you're wondering where'd all my info and followers etc, disappeared off too. But don't worry! They are just at the bottom of the page, so everything is there. Including labels, followers and the usual.

Text talk dictionary:
I've decided that this may be a major post that shall be updated from time to time. Since I've gotten complaints (^^') from anons that I don't have enough (WELL I'm sorry that I'm not human wikipedia), I shall update it. I don't always have heaps of them all in my tiny head, so if you see some I don't have please tell me and I can add them into it too!

Updates and news!?!!?!?:
Ahaha, as you see what exactly is this post? I may just feel like squishing heaps of news and updates from time to time into one post. So it shall be called this. (It may change names just a slightly bit since I don't have perfect memory at all) But that's the purpose of this post!

Well that's the end of this awfully long post and have fun! Bye bye!

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