Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Project: 1000 cranes

So, the student council -coughstudentcouncilmemberherecough- has decided that we shall be making 1000 cranes to support Japan! (The whole school)I know it's not as good as money, but I hope we can bring them some luck. Gambatte Japan!

So far I've made 13 but here's a few photos to share!

 Sorry for this awfully long post but yeah. :L Let's try hard for Japan!



  1. That's such a good idea! In class last year we had high school students from Japan visit us. They taught us origami and they told us a few Japanese words. I hope they're alright in Japan. Their school is in Tokyo.

  2. I know some high schools around my area that has a sister school in Japan, glad to hear they are safe!


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